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Poison word meaning and definition

Beside meaning and definition for word "poison", on this page you can find other interesting information too, like synonyms or related words. On bottom of the page we have fun area, like tarot cards, numerology for these Six characters, how to write "poison" with bar codes or hand signs and more.. Table of Contents:

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Meaning and definition for "poison" word

[noun] anything that harms or destroys; "the poison of fascism"
[noun] any substance that causes injury or illness or death of a living organism
[verb] administer poison to; "She poisoned her husband"
[verb] add poison to; "Her husband poisoned her drink in order to kill her"
[verb] kill with poison; "She poisoned her husband"
[verb] kill by its poison; "This mushrooms can kill"
[verb] spoil as if by poison; "poison someone's mind"; "poison the atmosphere in the office"
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\Poi"son\, n. [F. poison, in Old French also, a potion, fr. L. potio a drink, draught, potion, a poisonous draught, fr. potare to drink. See {Potable}, and cf. {Potion}.] 1. Any agent which, when introduced into the animal organism, is capable of producing a morbid, noxious, or deadly effect upon it; as, morphine is a deadly poison; the poison of pestilential diseases. 2. That which taints or destroys moral purity or health; as, the poison of evil example; the poison of sin. {Poison ash}. (Bot.)
(a) A tree of the genus {Amyris} ({A. balsamifera}) found in the West Indies, from the trunk of which a black liquor distills, supposed to have poisonous qualities.
(b) The poison sumac ({Rhus venenata}). [U. S.] {Poison dogwood} (Bot.), poison sumac. {Poison fang} (Zo["o]l.), one of the superior maxillary teeth of some species of serpents, which, besides having the cavity for the pulp, is either perforated or grooved by a longitudinal canal, at the lower end of which the duct of the poison gland terminates. See Illust. under {Fang}. {Poison gland} (Biol.), a gland, in animals or plants, which secretes an acrid or venomous matter, that is conveyed along an organ capable of inflicting a wound. {Poison hemlock} (Bot.), a poisonous umbelliferous plant ({Conium maculatum}). See {Hemlock}. {Poison ivy} (Bot.), a poisonous climbing plant ({Rhus Toxicodendron}) of North America. It is common on stone walls and on the trunks of trees, and has trifoliate, rhombic-ovate, variously notched leaves. Many people are poisoned by it, if they touch the leaves. See {Poison sumac}. Called also {poison oak}, and {mercury}. {Poison nut}. (Bot.)
(a) Nux vomica.
(b) The tree which yields this seed ({Strychnos Nuxvomica}). It is found on the Malabar and Coromandel coasts. {Poison oak} (Bot.), the poison ivy; also, the more shrubby {Rhus diversiloba} of California and Oregon. {Poison sac}. (Zo["o]l.) Same as {Poison gland}, above. See Illust. under {Fang}. {Poison sumac} (Bot.), a poisonous shrub of the genus {Rhus} ({R. venenata}); -- also called {poison ash}, {poison dogwood}, and {poison elder}. It has pinnate leaves on graceful and slender common petioles, and usually grows in swampy places. Both this plant and the poison ivy ({Rhus Toxicodendron}) have clusters of smooth greenish white berries, while the red-fruited species of this genus are harmless. The tree ({Rhus vernicifera}) which yields the celebrated Japan lacquer is almost identical with the poison sumac, and is also very poisonous. The juice of the poison sumac also forms a lacquer similar to that of Japan. Syn: Venom; virus; bane; pest; malignity. Usage: {Poison}, {Venom}. Poison usually denotes something received into the system by the mouth, breath, etc. Venom is something discharged from animals and received by means of a wound, as by the bite or sting of serpents, scorpions, etc. Hence, venom specifically implies some malignity of nature or purpose.
\Poi"son\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Poisoned}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Poisoning}.] [Cf. OF. poisonner, F. empoissoner, L. potionare to give to drink. See {Poison}, n.] 1. To put poison upon or into; to infect with poison; as, to poison an arrow; to poison food or drink. ``The ingredients of our poisoned chalice.'' --Shak. 2. To injure or kill by poison; to administer poison to. If you poison us, do we not die ? --Shak. 3. To taint; to corrupt; to vitiate; as, vice poisons happiness; slander poisoned his mind. Whispering tongues can poison truth. --Coleridge.
\Poi"son\, v. i. To act as, or convey, a poison. Tooth that poisons if it bite. --Shak.

Synonyms for poison

envenom, poisonous substance

See also: alter | atropine | change | corrupt | debase | debauch | demoralise | demoralize | deprave | destructiveness | dose | drug | hyoscyamine | intoxicate | kill | matter | misdirect | pervert | profane | substance | subvert | toxin | vitiate |

Related terms: bane, befoul, butcher, chemosterilant, condemn, contact poison, contagion, curse, cut off, debauch, deflower, defoliant, demoralize, execute, finish, fumigant, fungicide, havoc, homicidal maniac, hurt, organic chlorine, Paris green, poisonousness, shellac, sophistication, torment, venom, venomousness, vermicide, wreak havoc on

The fun area, different aproach to word »poison«

Let's analyse "poison" as pure text. This string has Six letters in Two syllables and Three vowels. 50% of vowels is 11.4% more then average English word. Written in backwards: NOSIOP. Average typing speed for these characters is 1590 milliseconds. [info]

Morse code: .--. --- .. ... --- -.


Hearts desire number calculated from vowels: poison: 6 + 9 + 6 = 21, reduced: 3 . and the final result is Three.
Destiny number calculated from all letters: poison: 7 + 6 + 9 + 1 + 6 + 5 = 34, reduced: 7, and the final result is Seven.

Tarot cards

Letter Num. Tarot c. Intensity Meaning
I (1) 9 Hermit Independent, Researcher, Intell,igent
N (1) 14 Temperance Healer, Wise, Survivor, Crafty
O (2) 15 Devil Optimist, Gamesman, Marketer, Hunter
P (1) 16 Tower Craftsman, Laborer, Builder
S (1) 19 Sun Colorful, Bright, Perceptive

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